Advanced Pistol- Picayune, Mississippi November 14-16 2025
November 14, 2025 - November 16, 2025
7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Event Phone: (954) 260-7087
For those who have trained under me for years this is the class to train for. We are not here to provide tools to send you home with, I am making the assumption that you already have these tools and the objective over these three days to simply make you better. I will expect that you bring the gear that you are bored of. This is not the time to experiment or “try things out”. We will push the boundaries of what you are capable of, and it is my expectation that you arrive with this mindset.
***ATTENTION*** This is not a prerequisite course. However, we do not suggest this as a new shooter’s first course as there should be at least a foundation for gun handling that an individual should have before attending a course like this.
***NOTE*** The “end time” in the description is a lie, we work until we cover what we need to. This means that there is no “we will be done by” time.
Concepts covered:
-Self assessment techniques
-Methods of self/ film study
-Concealed carry concepts enhanced
-One handed techniques for an established shooter
-Mental agility and problem solving/ Stress inoculation
-Hard target/ Threat focus
-Managing a pistol in a 360 degree environment
-Various & situational fighting positions
-High/Low probability shot management
-Scenarios involving many shoot/no shoot targets
-Movement and Movement while shooting
-Use of cover
-An introduction to crowd management/ negotiation
Gear list as follows:
-Quality self defense pistol. (a spare pistol or back up gun heavily suggested)
-Minimum of 6 pistol magazines (x2 for 1911/ singlestack guys)
-3,000 rounds of factory pistol ammunition
-Quality concealed or duty holster and belt
-Eye / ear protection.
-Bug spray
-Rain/ cold weather gear
-Gun cleaning gear/ tools (gear gets weird in training)
–Stapler/ Staples for cardboard targets & a roll of masking tape
There will be a $55 range material repair and replacement fee PER DAY for the use of this range. It must be paid in cash upon arrival.
You will probably need to bring a lunch our lunches do not exceed an hour.
We will be training rain or shine so bring appropriate clothing and plan ahead for the course. In this portion of the country, its safe to say that the weather has a mind of its own.
**ATTENTION PATREON MEMBERS** This is NOT covered with your $41 a month membership. The cost of acquiring material and disposal of that material for class, it would financially be irresponsible of me to not charge full price for this course.
There is no minimum age to take this class. However, students under 18 years of age are required to attend the class together with a participating adult.
Cancellations/Refund/Exchange Policy: If you cancel your training 60 days or more from your class date, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel sooner than 60 days from your class date, you forfeit 50% of your tuition. If you cancel at or inside of 30 days prior to class, you forfeit 100% of your course tuition. Transfers between classes or dates are permitted so long as the class you wish to transfer to has a slot available.
There are no exceptions to this policy. Please understand that you are filling a slot that could have gone to someone else. We cannot accommodate cancellations that cost other students spots in our classes. So if possible, we need to the keep the cancellations to a minimum.
Disclaimer: What you buy and use is your own responsibility. Whether or not you choose to modify your guns, you assume the liability of whether or not the gun is operating correctly. As such, you alone will be responsible in the event of a catastrophic failure of the gun or ammunition, including damage to the gun and resulting property damage. Whether or not you choose to bring reloaded ammunition to class you are also solely responsible for whether or not that factory, reloaded, or remanufactured ammunition performs as designed.
Let’s be clear here, whether or not you did something outside of factory specs on either the equipment or ammunition side of the house, or failed to properly assemble critical or noncritical components, and it explodes on you….. It’s on you.
Call: (954) 260-7087
Email: rgtreception1@gmail.com
Venue: Mississippi Combat Training Academy
Venue Phone: 2283650022
Venue Website: https://www.mctarange.com/